9th World Congress of IDEA – news

Dear members and friends of IDEA, 

We are pleased to announce that we are now launching the process of organizing the SIGs (Special Interest Groups) for the 9th World Congress of IDEA, which will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, between 4th-8th of July, 2022.

The general aim of the SIGs is to provide a forum where participants can meet colleagues and discuss the theory and practical aspects of interest within drama and theatre and education. The SIGs’ spaces are also a way to structure the Congress’s Academic and Pedagogic Program and to guarantee the continuity of IDEA’s research and project development between its world congresses.
SIG coordinators are therefore – experts in their area of specialization and motivated communicators. We would like to invite you to recommend people you have worked with who you think would be suitable for this role.

We have added to the numbers of the SIGs from IDEA’s last congresses and included new questions related to the theme of IDEA 2022 – Drama for all, tall and small. Celebrating drama in a changing world.  At the moment, there are eleven SIGs focussed on Drama/Theatre/Arts Education:

1. Drama and theatre in a multicultural world
2. Children: Drama and theatre in primary education
3. Youth: Drama and theatre in secondary education
4. Drama and theatre with elderly people – third age
5. Teacher Training in drama and theatre
6. Drama and theatre -with people with special needs
 7. Drama and theatre in health and welfare
8. Gender issues in drama and theatre education
9. Theatre for community development
10. Drama in second language teaching and learning
11. Drama and theatre in Science, Technology and New Media.

Each one of the SIGs will have two coordinators and places for up to 50 participants, depending on how many people are attending the congress.

We would like to guarantee that the coordinators are academic researchers or practitioners in drama, theatre/art education with publications and/or projects recognized by his or her community. The coordination of each SIG group will:
• Recommend experts
• Organize one International Seminar on his/her field towards IDEA 2022.

Please send us your recommendations of educators in universities, schools, communities, or social movements, who could be SIG coordinators by the 23rd of August, 2021 by e-mail: ideaiceland2022@hi.is.

We will need their name, email address, area of specialization and, if possible, their reference website. Thank you for your attention and we are ready to answer any questions that you may have.

Ása Helga Ragnarsdóttir and Rannveig Björk Thorkelsdóttir
Directors of the IDEA 2022 Academic and Pedagogic Program
Members of the IDEA 2022 Organizing Committee

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